Water Authority Boreholes

Refurbishment of head works, completion of constant rate test pumping on various sites including step testing and geologging surveys.

Process Company Grimsby

Removal of existing borehole pump, installation of test pumping equipment and carry out 5 day constant rate test pumping.

Private Utility Company London

Refurbishment of head works, removal of pumping equipment, replacing rising main. Re-installation of existing borehole pumps on new stainless steel rising main.

Chemical Company Grimsby

Rehabilitation of three existing water supply boreholes, including removal of existing borehole pumps and cleaning out the borehole to original drilled depths, and extensive cleaning of borehole. Re-installing existing borehole pumps.

Yorkshire Water – Eggborough

Removal of borehole pumps and backfilling of 2no. 400mm diameter boreholes to a depth of 120m to EA approval and provide decommissioning reports.

Yorkshire Water – Barnoldswick

Removal of borehole pumps and line shaft pumps from 2no. wells 120mm diameter to 30m and boreholes 400mm diameter to 150metres, decommissioned to EA approval and provide decommissioning reports.

Crayfern Homes – Portsmouth

Decommissioning of heavily artesian borehole 550mm diameter to a depth of 50 metres to EA approval, and provide decommissioning report to allow continuation of house building project on the site of the ex-laundry.

Mr Pinnington – Wrexham

Borehole drilled to a finished diameter of 150mm to a depth of 60m. Water used for chicken rearing unit.

Mr Hockenhall – High Offley

Borehole drilled to a finished diameter of 150mm to a depth of 80m. Installation of permanent pumping equipment. Water used for dairy farm.